Knowledge Measure - Deploy Using Bicep
1. Do you need VS Code to deploy the experiement using Bicep? Answer
No, you can simply copy down the Biceap files and run them from the Azure CLI locally or via the Cloud Shell.
2. Do you need Git installed to deploy the experiment? Answer
No, you can simply copy down the Biceap files and run them from the Azure CLI locally or via the Portal.
3. Do you need the Azure CLI installed? Answer
If you plan to run the commands locally, otherwise you can use the Portal by copying the files into the Cloud Shell and running the commands from there.
4. In what file or files are the NSG Capabilities and Targets enabled? Answer
5. Is there a new NSG rule created after the deployment is created? Answer
name: 'Allow-SSH'
properties: {
priority: 100
direction: 'Inbound'
access: 'Allow'
protocol: 'Tcp'
sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
sourcePortRange: '*'
destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
destinationPortRange: '22'
6. Is there a Role Assignment needed in order for the Experiment to run? Answer
Yes, Network Contributor
7. Does the Main.bicep file require you to pass in parameters? Answer
No, if no parameters are pass in, it will use default values.
8. When using the *az deployment group create* to deploy the resources, do it automatically create a role assignment? Answer
9. What resouce types are required in order to create a role assignement? Answer
10. Which two modules are required in order for the Main.bicep file to work properly? Answer
Experiment.BICEP and NetworkSecurityGroup.BICEP.